Sunday, June 08, 2003

Where have I been (Best Buy)

Sorry for the long no posting period. It's summer so here's what's been up followed by a tyrade about Best Buy.

1) Graduated
2) Mission trip
3) Yard work
4) Moved some stuff out
5) Sister graduated
6) Moved more stuff
7) Went to NC
8. Finished moving
9) Worked and moved computers
10) Got a job and have been working

Best Buy Rant
How's that for some alliteration.

Anyway, so to make a long story short my mom is getting a new cellphone. Because my sister and I are getting sprint phones through my dad, she is going to get sprint as well. So when I was looking through the paper today I saw an add on a pretty decent sprint phone for with rebates that ends up being free. So we drive 30 mins to Best Buy in Douglasville so she can mess with it to see if she likes it. Before we got there I warned her how the cell phone sales people at Best Buy are. They get right up on top of you and won't leave you alone, even if you say I'm just looking in a forceful tone. Today was no different, the guy stood there right on top of us even as I tried to screen him out by standing with my back towards him and slowly walking backwards to get him to move away.

Since I'm the type of person that researches anything and everything before I buy or even go look at it (the wonders of the internet) I hate to be bothered by pesky sales people. Basically I left my mom, who does like pesky sales people, to her own devices and let her mess with the phones. Well she decided she wanted the phone so we told the guy that we wanted it and were going to activate it at online ourselves due to better plans online. He says no that's not possible and I say oh yeah it is. The sales paper says activation is not required. He says we don't sell phones without activation and I said the paper says you do. So he gets the paper and who is right? You guessed it, ME. So he talks to some guy that says there has to be a credit check which is rediculous since we are just buying phone. Whoever heard of junk like that? So after another 10 mins of hounding and my mom talking on the phone to some sprint people, the guy says we have to go to the spring store on Cobb Pkwy. You know what I thought? Bump that. So I was about to walk and then we decided to talk to the guy some more. After more hassle he finally talked to the manager and got approval to sell us the phone.

Moral of the story.
1) Know your stuff before you go to Best Buy
2) Supposedly Best Buy does not work off commissions but it sure seems like the phone folks do. They even have work sheets to fill in that describe the sales pitch, our's said something like Shoulder to Shoulder Sales Pitch. If I wanted somebody to be all up on my shoulders I'd have gone to a massuse.
3) Have some on run a diversion if you look at phones at Best Buy, get the sales person distracted so you can look at phones unbothered.
4) Best Buy is the best place to buy cds.

The end,


Jaclyn ( (IP:
you cheat...your journal entry is almost the exact same thing that is on the community center. That shouldn't be aloud. I need a more diverse website from you
2003/06/13 @ 07:43:36

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