Monday, February 05, 2007


Well I had a good post typed up about last week and the weekend but IE screwed up and I lost it (queue "get a mac" chorus). Here's the summary of the busier than normal week:

Monday: Tech Club Officers' Meeting
Tuesday: Tech vs. Wake in Winston-Salem
Thurday: Snow!!! ULI event and Hurricane's game
Saturday: Laziness and basketball watching. Tech vs. Clemson (good guys won) and UNC vs. State (bad guys won). I hope Tech can get on a roll now.
Sunday: Grandparents and watched Duke lose to F$U. Then went to the Chalmers to watch the Super Bowl. We didn't really care who won but were pulling for the Colts. The commercials were "ehh" and not very impressive. We liked the Cary-filmed Doritos commercial, the Snickers kissing mechanics, and the best was the Garmin Map Monster. We also loved the local Cheerwine commercial - "Northerners Hoarding our Cheerwine". It's not often you hear people get called Yankees on tv. Click the title for the video.

Snow! View from my office.

Canes Game

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Full-length Garmin video: