Friday, April 23, 2004

Group Projects


I absolutely despise group meetings. We've already worked over 20 hours on the project with some members working more than that. Two Saturdays ago (the Saturday before Easter) we met from 9 AM to 5 PM, yes 8 hours on a Saturday. Last Saturday we met from 9 AM to 1:30 PM not as bad as the previous week but entirely too long on a beautiful Spring weekend. This brings us to the present. We worked a lot this week for our presentation which we did on Thursday, so I'm ready for a restful and work free weekend after GIS presenting, a case study, and paper due this week. So I'm thinking, the weather is beautiful again this weekend, I've been to the mountains twice this semester and I want to go fishing. I think I'll go to the coast. I thought and thought about it, where to stay, yes I want to camp. Thought against not going, decided to go and flopped back and forth last night and this morning. So I finally decided that I should just let go of my risk adverse and control freak nature and go and see what happens. I went to REI and bought a MSR WhisperLite Stove, a fuel bottle, MSR pots, a packtowel, and a small Nalgene bottle. Before that I straightened out all of my tackle and saw what tackle I needed to get at Wal-Mart. After REI I went to Wal-Mart. When I got home I returned to this e-mail:

Lindy wants to meet tomorrow (saturday april 23rd, 2004) at 10:00 AM EDT... any objection?


I thought "What tha?!?" Having a jovial group I thought it may be a joke and sent this response:

Are you being serious? I had planned on taking a road trip down east to go fishing but if we must meet that's fine, I can go after school is out.


In the mean time I was looking over my new gear and realized that the pot holder didn't come with the pots, so after eating some frozen pizza I headed back to REI to exchange the pots. Well after returning and getting all my camping stuff out which is now in a pile on the floor (see figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1 - Gear on the floor
Gear on the floor
Figure 2 - Tackle on the bed
Tackle on the bed

I figured out how to use my stove and after only setting the porch on fire for a few seconds I'm getting psyched about my road trip. I come upstairs and check my e-mail here's what I found and brought on this rant:

I am serious. If this time does not work for you, suggest another. I need to do some work this weekend because on monday, they are going to implement that quota system. I am not sure how this will affect all of our crap on the K: drive, but I'm not sure I want to find out on monday.

If you do not think we need to meet at all, that's fine with me. We should probably work out some course of action and finish this thing off.


This was my response:

Whatever, that's fine. I'll be at NE at 10.


Yeah I thought I'd feel better after writing that but I don't yet so I'll keep writing. I realize that I have been the type of group member that I hate for this project...the kind that doesn't pull his weight the whole time. Jeff is very good and knowledgeable about GIS so both Lindy and I pretty much defer to him for the GIS part of the project. I know Jeff is frustrated with me but hopefully after this weekend we won't have to work next week. Also another problem is that the UNC IT people are enforcing the file space limits on the campus servers as of Monday, the limit is 500 mb, we have well over 1 gig of data. Why must they delete and/or move our files on Monday the 26th? School is over in just over a week and then everything would be fine, freakin studip OASIS. Still not feeling better. Well I guess I'll have to stuff all my junk back in the half-closet and still have the lingering desire to go camping. I can always go right after school gets out and even next week if I hadn't already promised to help Jeff and his wife move to their new apartment. UGHHHHHHHHHHHH. Ok enough ranting, I'm going to put my frustration and distaste of group projects into putting up my stuff. ARGHGGHHHH


Jaclyn (IP:
You got to go camping though! I'm happy for you! Schools almost done I'm with you on wanting it to be over. Talk to you later kid. Feel free to vent to me anytime you want you know I do it to you all the time I'm awful
2004/04/25 @ 17:17:47

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