Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Field Trips and Computers

First let me say I was told to update so if this post isn't too interesting you can blame somebody else (SGB).

My week thus far:
Sunday and Monday was church then a bunch of coloring
Tuesday: Construction law paper, field trip to old warehouses and train depots in Hillsborough, and a field trip to Carter-Finley Stadium for construction law.

Now I'm working on trying to get my new external Maxtor hard drive set up so I can back up both my desktop and tablet so I can finally reformat and install SP2.

See my field trip pictures here.

Edited to say I GOT TO WEAR A HARD HAT! One day that probably won't be cool but at this point it is pretty cool. Maybe one day I'll get a hardhat that's like a cowboy hat.


Anonymous said...

I hereby take full responsibility for the boringness of Brian's post. Heretoforth, he shall post only when the urge strikes him, both for the benefit of the general populace and his own well-being. Sincerely, sgb (the peer-pressure-er)

Brian said...

Brian likes comments!

Anonymous said...

hey look! is that me? did i make it into one of your pictures! cool!
Jenn L

Brian said...

You are correct.