Wednesday, November 17, 2004

From what planet are you?

You Are From Saturn

You're steady, organizes, and determined to achieve your dreams.
You tend to play it conservative, going by the rules (at least the practical ones).
You'll likely reach the top. And when you do, you'll be honorable and responsible.
Focus on happiness. Don't let your goals distract you from fun!
Don't be too set in your ways, and you'll be more of a success than you ever dreamed of.


Anonymous said...

I want to know what the other planets you and Ben are all Saturn. Katie is Mercury....7 more to go!

Katie said...

my sister is from mars.

Anonymous said...

Moon woman here...although as Brian so astutely pointed out, the moon is not in fact a planet. I'm an outsider! Ah well, I have a flag and y'all don't. So there. :)

Melissa said...

I'm Venus