Friday, March 11, 2005


I don't know how many of you out there watch MTV, but there's a show unlike most of their programs called Made. It's about high schoolers that want to challenge themselves at doing something unusual and unique that they wouldn't normally do. Some of the shows have been about getting in shape, getting elected to SGA, becoming a ballerina, and becoming a surfer. Whenever I watch that show I also am amazed that the person trying be made generally whines all the time. I never really understood why they whined so much when they wanted something so badly. However, today I had a revelation. I've been doing the same thing. I want to be made into a masters student, but I have not been willing to do the work. I've complained to many of you that may read this, trying to garner sympathy. For this I'm sorry. It dawned on me this morning as I was sitting at my computer that I was getting frustrated, but I've gotten myself in this situation. I've procrastinated and even before the procrastination I challenged myself to get the masters degree. It is now my goal to work dilligently on my masters project. As much as I don't want to do it, the MP is worth doing well, otherwise it would not be worth doing. I'm better than complaining, I'm not saying I won't complain more because I probably will. It takes effort to change and suck it up, hopefully I'll achieve my goal of producing a quality project. I know it will be worth it in the long run to have something that I feel good about producing even if just sits on my bookshelf with the rest of the reports I've written. I will know I've been made.


Anonymous said...

Brian, you're a stud. :) sgb

Anonymous said...

You do know we can figure out intials right sgb? :-D We can all agree that Brian is a stud...but I will take Ben 0:-)

I whine all the time too...but I came to the realization while I was here this isn't what I want while I shouldn't whine...I will continue


Anonymous said...

Jacs, thanks for sticking to your own stud. :) Do you even know what the 'g' stands for?


the mysterious sgb

Anonymous said...

no clue what the g stands for...but I know what the s stands for...well now I know the g cause I asked...but I didn't before.

Hope you had a nice spring break

Anonymous said...

Jacs, break was super--good friends, family, adventure, and some downtime--but way too short. Did y'all just get back too or are you off now like Brian?
Today in class we talked about the crazy murderer the police just nabbed in Atlanta...glad you're ok down there!
