Saturday, December 03, 2005

A Walk in the Woods

It's time! I haven't been excited about a new movie in a long time, actually I can't remember really being excited about a movie. This coming Friday The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobeis released! As many of you know, I've never really been a reader of fiction, but in fourth grade I was told to stop doing book reports about nonfiction books and the teacher suggested the Chronicles of Narnia. The series were the first fiction books that I remember ever really liking. I reread The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe this weekend for the first time since then and it was still great. I guess I now know how you LOTR fans felt when those movies were released. Another intersting aspect that I had no clue about in fourth grade was the theological perspective. I read the book this time with that in mind and it presented a new perspective. I'm going to have to keep readng the series now instead of waiting until the other movies come out because I don't really rmember many of the details and want to know what happens. Now I just need to find somebody to go with to see the movie on Friday night.


Anonymous said...

ME! I'll go!! I LOVED "The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe" ... I was even in a play in middle school that was based on it!


Melissa said...

Too bad you're not in Atlanta, I would go with you. I can't wait :-) The Chronicles of Narnia are some of my most favorite books ever (and that's saying a lot, you know how much I read!)