Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"Oh, lookie there, I've got a bite"

Saturday morning was an early one. My boss and I left Raleigh at 5:30 heading north to Lake Mayo near the stateline for a day of fishing. The weather was beautiful and not too hot while we were out there and as a bonus the lake wasn't crowded at all. On the water by a little after 7 we fished until about 12:30, and unlike our other fishing trips we actually caught some! I caught two largemouth bass and two chain pickrels which were also the first two I've ever caught. Chuck caught three largemouths and one pickerel.

In other news, Tech football looks to be heading in the right direction! I know we didn't try to run the score up during Saturday's 69-14 victory since we played 73, yes 73 different players. That's everyone that could play. It was great to see the backups get some action.

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