Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Pop Quiz

As many of you know, I had a case study interview yesterday with the Robert Charles Lesser, Co. At the conclusion of the case study the interviewer asked me a pop question which I'm going to now ask you.

A client calls and needs to know how many gas stations are in the City of Atlanta and you have 10 mins to find out. What would you do?

Put your answer in the comments but don't read everyone elses before posting your's.


Adam Edwards said...

My first thing was to go to google and use google local for gas station atlanta, which came back with 530. Then I followed a link to
and went to all the pages and added up the number of results which came to about 1100, so I would say closer to 1300 once you count ones not on that list. This took about 5 min.

Sarah said...

I also was going to suggest Google "gas station Atlanta". Or, I would take 10 minutes to drive around and count the gas stations in a given area, then multiply to approximate the stations in the whole city. You know, 3 stations in a square mile x ?? square miles in Atlanta type thing. I don't know how accurate that'd be, but it's a start.

Anonymous said...

Maybe take the pro-active approach and say something like, "I'll tell you how many gas stations are in Atlanta: NOT ENOUGH. Can Robert Charles Lesser Co. help you develop the gas station of your choice in Atlanta today?" That sounds a little like a telemarketer, though...

Anonymous said...

That last crazy posting was from me. Now that I read the other postings, I feel a little silly and realize once again why I am an English teacher... susanna

ben said...

use a phonebook would be my answer, or maybe a gps...