Sunday, July 24, 2005

Oompa Loompa Doopity Doo

Last night I went to WCF and met some friends (Melissa, Meagan, Lauren, and Adam) to go to dinner at Taqueria del Sol and see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The fried chicken tacos at TdS were excellent as usual and given the great weather (i.e. not raining) the place was packed and the line was into the parking lot.

After dinner we headed to Phipps to see the movie. It's interesting how groups of people have certain theatres they frequent. I've noticed that WCF folks always go to Phipps. When I'm with my other friends in Atlanta we go to the huge Hollywood 24 on I-85. Of course at home we drive to Douglasville to hit up the Regal 18 at Arbor Place. I would have preferred the Hollywood 24 because it is newer and has stadium seating, plus the screens are big enough for the movie. Anyway we went to Phipps which was fine except the 7 something showing we wanted to see was sold out. Instead we got tickets for the 9:30 show and wondered around the mall and hung out at Williams-Sonoma for awhile until the movie started.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Poster

Now onto the movie... (Warning: some spoilers)

I liked it, as the Gene Wilder version is one of my favorite movies, I was skeptical going in. While almost completely different it was good in its own way. The social commentaries, aside from the Oompa Loompa songs, were very interesting. The sterotypical suburbanite family from Atlanta and striving towards competition and parental vicariousness. Mike Teevee's character hails from Denver and is obsessed by violent video games. I'm surprised there hasn't been any talk in the media about how that may have been over the line in regards to Littleton and Columbine, but I think it's cool that they choose that path for the characters. I wonder how that will project into the future 20 or 30 years from now, just at the original movie still connects. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend checking it out.

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