Thursday, February 09, 2006

Here I am

I'm writing this post while sitting in Shaun's condo on the 21st floor of the Mayfair Tower on 14th Street in Atlanta while waiting on him to get home from work. I flew down yesterday for a conference today at the Galleria. I stayed in a nice hotel in Vinings last night and met up with Josh for dinner at La Paz for a dang quesadilla. This morning I hit up McDonalds for a quick breakfast and got a confidence boost from the girl at the register who said I looked nice. :) That definitely doesn't happen everyday, well almost never and when my mom says it, it doesn't count. The conference was for the application workshop for the 2006 Georgia Low Income Housing Tax Credits. Basically it's where the developers learn the ins and outs of the current year's application. I'd explain the process but 1) You'd be very bored and 2) I'm tired and don't want to. Needless to say it was a long and boring meeting from 8:30-5 but they provided lunch and I got to see some people I met when I came down in December and also saw Mr. Hammock again. It's definitely a small affordable housing community. I'm staying at Shaun's tonight because I have my annual checkup with my allergist and asthma doctor tomorrow morning in ATL so it didn't make much sense to head back to Carrollton which is where I'll be all weekend! We're going to play trivia tonight and hopefully I'll contribute to the teams record in the Atlanta Trivia League (yes there is such a thing).

As I was driving around this afternoon I realized how much I missed Atlanta and the big buildings but I also drove by a building where I interviewed and would have worked had I got the job. What I realized was that I'm glad I got the job I did and ended up moving somewhere completely new. Although my social life is nonexistent, pointed out last night when Josh asked how it was going, work is great and Raleigh isn't that bad. It's good to try something new and get out of your comfort zone. While I think I'll be back south at some point in my life, I definitely think I'm where I'm supposed to be now.

Camera phone view looking west down 14th Street toward Peachtree Street. Better pics from the real camera when I get them uploaded.

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