Friday, September 07, 2007

"...we're going to get up and fight some more"

Here's the pregame speech from Tech team Chaplain Derrick Moore before the Tech vs. Notre Dame game last weekend. If this doesn't get you fired up I don't know what would. As someone said on the Hive, "I don't know whether to start praying or to hit someone after seeing that."

Here's the famous "Mash on the Gas" speech from last year before the Maryland game with highlights. I couldn't watch this one because it was on ESPNU, but listened online as Michael Johnson came out of nowhere to make two game winning plays on the goal line stand. Listen to Wes Durham's call at the end of the video, after such a great stand it's amazing. My heart was beating a mile-a-minute during that last two plays of the game.


Jacs said...

Today's game is on ESPNU how are you watching it if you didn't have ESPNU last year?

Brian said...

Time Warner started carrying it on August 30!