Sunday, January 06, 2008

There Goes My Hero

I gave in and bought Guitar Hero II the other day after playing with some cousins over Thanksgiving. I did pretty well with easy and medium beating all of the songs the first time through with over 90% on all of them. Well the easy and medium lull you into thinking you're good at the game, then you get to hard and it throws in the orange fifth fret button and things get complicated. I'm on the forth song and stuck on Woman by Wolfmother and and struggling with the arpeggios. Oh well, maybe I should do something productive like just playing my real guitar!

In other news, the Triangle Tech club hosted the Tech Women's bball team for dinner on Friday and had an great turn out and excellent time. Unfortunately they lost to UNC on Saturday, but are still off to an amazing 13-2 start.


Sarah said...

Once you come up with a consistent system for playing all 5 keys, it gets easier. My "home" position starts with index finger on the red button, pinky on the orange. Then I just shift when I need to.

I totally love Guitar Hero. You should get the newest version!

Jacs said...

Um that's all the entertainment I need when I come to visit you =P