Monday, March 17, 2003


As I have been pondering the seemingly emminent war individually and in Bible study I have realized that it is imperative that one should try to analyze situations from multiple angles. By avoiding ethnocentric views it is easier to attempt to understand the stances taken by others. Although this task is difficult and inperfect a disregard of its usefulness would be a travisty. By approaching political and other decisions from the other parties' perspective a tanglble understanding can be gleaned from their perspective. My thoughts on this stem from my PST 2068 class, even though it may sound like I liked it PST is not fun, anyway. According to John Rawls one should approach policy and decision making behind a veil of ignorance. Basically requiring decision makers to place themselves in a status-free world, one in which they do not know their state in life and with that knowledge they must make their decisions. This scenario, though ideal and unrealistic, remains useful in an everyday context of attempting to understand how leaders may be making or possibly should be making their decisions (though I believe it rarely happens as Rawls would have it). In conclusion, remember your perspective and then conduct a thought experiment, what would you be thinking if you were an Iraqi nomad or a soldier in the U.S. military.

Ok enough with the philosophical talk. Here's what's been happening on the Brian front.
1. Friday and Saturday were spent scouting out the WCF Spring Sneak location and having a great time. I'd post pictures but then it would give away the "sneakret".
2. Sunday: church and some homework
3. Monday: Tons of homework I didn't do on Sunday, class, glasses broke hopefully I'll be able to get replacement frames or new ones ASAP as in before I leave on Thursday for the UNC Planning Open House. I also found out today I didn't get into Harvard, oh well, it was too expensive anyway.

That's it for tonight, hopefully you didn't fall asleep and drool on yourself and your keyboard while reading this.

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