Monday, April 16, 2007

Where I come from...

Where I come from it's called bait! On Friday I went with a couple of guys from work for sushi which I'd never had before. They've been trying to get me to go and I finally decided, hey stop being a wimp and try it. It wasn't that bad. Kind of hard to eat in one bite but that was my biggest complaint. I got a sampler plate that had a few too many pieces for my first time as it was surprisingly filling. Overall the taste was kind of bland, so while I thought it was good it's not something I'll probably go out of my way to eat.

This weekend wasn't too exciting but it was nice to relax. I went to the driving range on Saturday and frustrated myself with every club except my 7 iron. I then drove around a little and scoped out the course where we're probably going to have our annual conference golf tournament in June.

Around this time every year I'm getting ready to move which naturally lends itself to cleaning, but this year I renewed my lease for the first time and I need to battle the clutter. Saturday and Sunday afternoons were spent spring cleaning and purging my closet. I ended up with three bags of clothes ranging from high school to college that are going to Goodwill and my closet is a lot less cluttered. I still have a little way to go but I'm making good progress.


Jacs said...

LOL the night Gj and I went in Japan, with the others, for sushi, was my cheapest dinner. It was a 100 yen for one piece of sushi. Which is slighty under a dollar in american money. It came around in front of you on a conveyor belt. The whole restaurant held max 10 people and it was set up like a bar. So everyone would sit at the bar which was really the converyor belt and the owner would stand behind the bar and make the sushi and then smack it down on the belt for you. Some of the guys had 18 or more plates while Gj and I each had 4 and drinks were free aka every restaurant had green tea for free.

Ah Sushi, at least I tried it right?


Melissa said...

If you thought it was bland then it must not have been very good sushi, you should try somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Mine was bland too. Unless I dipped it in the wasabi. But I'm done. No more adventure.