Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Here are some more adjectives to add to my poem or whatever it is I wrote this morning.

Roller Coaster

In other news, I discovered I like Yoohoo. At work we have a drink cooler with free canned drinks and today I chose a Yoohoo because I'd never had one before. It was pretty good for a chocolate milk-type drink in a can.

I'm leaving early tomorrow morning for the NASLEF Conference in Charleston, SC. Wait Brian, "What's NASLEF?" you ask. Good question and I didn't know until I started working. It's the National Association of State and Local Equity Funds and apparently my company is a member. The conference is from Thursday through Friday at lunch and should definitely be an experience as I've never 1) Been to a conference and 2) Never have traveled for business. Most of our office is going so it should be interesting to see their personalities outside of the office. I really hope that there are some younger people there because I'm seriously lacking social interaction with people under 30 years old.

After the conference I'm planing on going camping (assuming Ophelia doesn't do too much damage) Friday night and maybe Saturday but I need to start my church hunt. I need to get out in the wilderness or at least a state park because I need to clear my head. I've been doing a lot of thinking, too much, since I've been in Raleigh and I need to step away for awhile. Venturing into the woods usually will do it for me so hopefully it will this time because I really need it.

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