Sunday, September 18, 2005

Here goes...

For my second post of the day here are my responses to Katie's survey request. Disclaimer #1: yes I did copy some previous answers but I really have thought about them before so I'm not just co-opting other people's answers. Disclaimer #2: the following answers may be in an order but most likely they are in order of when they came to mind.

7 things I plan to do before I die:
* Visit all 50 states and all 7 continents
* Get married and stay married
* Have kids
* Own my own restaurant (preferably an ice cream store in an old garage)
* While money isn't the epitome of happiness, I'd like to not have to worry about it however that would happen.
* Climb Mt. Kilamanjaro
* Become proficient at an instrument or two

7 things I can do:
* Tie my shoes
* Take photographs that I like
* Generally have a good sense of direction
* Cook pulled pork BBQ
* Move to a completely new city and not be completely freaked out (somewhat freaked out but not completely)
* Read books without falling asleep (that's a new one added this summer)
* Enjoy driving through the country just for the sake of driving.

7 things I currently cannot do:
* Whistle
* Play a trumpet
* Do a split
* Do the robot well
* Calculus
* Sew (I've tried but it always falls apart)
* Make fried okra (one day but everytime I've tried it's nasty)

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
* Ears through neck to shoulder
* Intelligence
* Smile
* How she carries herself and her hand shake
* Height
* If I get a good feeling about her (whatever that means)
* Common and uncommon interests

7 things I say most often:
* Hey
* Dang it. (Thanks Napoleon)
* How are you?
* Good morning
* Later
* lol (yes I'm a dork that says lol)
* Uggghhhh

7 celebrity crushes:
* Katie Holmes
* Charlize Theron
* Julia Stiles
* Heidi Klum
* Jennifer Aniston
* I'll think
* about it

7 people I want to do this:
* Andrew
* Jake because he needs to update
* Ben because he needs to update
* Melissa because she needs to update
* Meagan because she needs to update
* Paul because he needs to update
* Whoever else wants to do it. If you have a blog comment with the link. If not, send me an e-mail.

Disclaimer #3: The answers provided in this survey are subject to change at the discretion of me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I approve of all of your crushes but Katie Holmes. Juliann, Shu and I think she looks like somone who is either
A: Drunk
B: Has Downs
C: Had a stroke
D: Or all of them