Thursday, September 29, 2005


I have a new issue, it's people calling me sir. Generally it's an employee at a store checking me out. I know I look older than I am but I'm still not sir age. Yes it is polite to call me sir but I don't like it. Maybe one day when I'm old but not now. Tonight I went to J. Crew and the girl helping me was probably 21 or so and she called me sir. Argh! Oh well, I guess I should be glad that people have manners (or at least follow their training as Shaun suggested).

In other news...

I have two new favorite shows: How I Met Your Mother which comes on CBS on Monday nights and Foody Call which is on the Style Network. Check them out. Do it Do it.

On Saturday I'm hanging out with Emily in Chapel Hill and going to the ZTA family cookout and the UNC vs. Utah football game. Hopefully Carolina won't get stomped like last year.

Finally, if you need to get in touch with me at work they've now blocked gmail because it doesn't go through the virus scanner (booo). You can call me on my cell, on my work phone, send me a text/picture message, and I think it's cool to use my work e-mail for personal stuff though I don't have access to it when I leave work. I'll know that you gmailed me through google's cool personalized rss pages but I won't be able to read it except on my cell phone which works but is slow and doesn't display pages well. Moral of the story, give me a call.

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