Sunday, October 09, 2005

In Between Times

Here's an interesting article from the NY Times Magazine that my sister sent me this morning about "Twixters" a.k.a. people that are between college and starting a family. I guess that would be me and most of my friends. It's an interesting place to be in life and I guess by the time I figure out it's like to be a twixter I'll probably be moving onto the next phase. I think much of the anxiety that can be part of being in this middle part of life is that up until now we've always had a next step that would occur in a defined period of time. Now things happen when they happen and that's definitely unsettling. Having goals is helpful but not knowing how to directly achieve them or when or if they will be achieved is difficult. I guess we all just kind of cruise along and take the paths that we think will get us where we want and we learn from the wrong paths (are they really wrong if we learn from them?). I guess I should just say read the article.

Post-Teenage Wasteland?

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