Thursday, April 05, 2007

I found it!

Today I finally found sweet tea in Richmond! After five or six trips to the city and striking out everytime, I finally found it and thanked the waitress who thought I was strange but was glad I was happy. My boss, a co-worker, and I headed up to Richmond to meet with a developer and his team to talk about a couple of low income housing tax credit projects that also will utilize historic tax credits. Both are really neat projects and I hope we get to work with them as they seemed like great guys. Getting to see how other people are improving their communities through redevelopment just solidifies my desire to be a developer one day. Here are a few pics from a former school (cool Second Empire architecture) that is slated to become affordable housing for seniors.

Richmond has a huge stock of old buildings and there is a lot of positive momentum near downtown for redevelopment. These row houses are across the street and are selling unrenovated for ~$150,000 and after rehab for over $300,000. Some great investment opportunities in areas that only a couple of years ago were in very bad condition.


Melissa said...

If there's a lack of sweet tea I'm not looking for a job there :-p

Anonymous said...

No there's sweet tea. Brian is just unlucky. I don't know how he has managed to come to VA 3 times and wind up at places that don't sell sweet tea. Missy and I still have to say "Unsweet tea" Missy used to make fun of me for saying "Unsweet tea" when I ordered in the North...but now she is in the habitat too. Muwhahahaa!

I'm glad you found your tea Brian. Thanks for the text in the middle of work about it =P
