Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hello Autumn

It finally seems like it's going to be Fall a.k.a. my favorite season. Nothing beats a cool, sunny October Saturday and it looks like this weekend will be another one. In honor of the season here's a bad camera phone pic of my gas fireplace which I got to work yesterday. It's definitely not as nice as a wood burning fireplace but it's better than nothing.


In other news, one of today's Google Quotes of the Day is pretty funny and is attributed to the former president Gerald R. Ford.

"Things are more like they are now than they have ever been."
- Gerald R. Ford

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love autumn too. It was beautiful outside. Yesterday and now today. Everyone else thought it was cold. And then my friends from pgh were mad when I said beautiful fall day because it snowed and sleeted all day yesterday for them. Not happy campers. Hehe. The mountains got 7 inches in some places.

Fall is awesome!