Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Last night I attended the Triangle GT Club Young Alum Happy Hour at the Carolina Brewery in Chapel Hill and had a pretty good time. I had my traditional fish and chips (I need to try something else but the fish and chips are too good) and a West End Wheat which is a hefeweizen-style and was pretty good. Unfortunately only seven people showed up but we were all chatty and had some good conversation. Another coincidene was that we all either graduated in 2003 or 2005 so that made for a great common ground. It's neat how people that have never met each other can have so much in common through going to school of 15,000 together. It was also nice to get out and socialize. I hope we can get some momentum rolling and make the club more active, especially for the young folks.

In other news, I'm going to be hitting the friendly skies and road several times in the next two weeks. Friday I'm flying down to Atlanta with a co-worker for a four hour conference in Buckhead and I'll be staying the weekend. On Saturday I'm going to the Tech game and will probably play golf with dad on Sunday. On Tuesday I'm driving to Norfolk for a meeting with a bank to recruit them as investors. Thursday I'm flying to Baltimore for another conference and may be staying the night at my bosses suggestion to take in an Orioles game if our attorney from DC can get tickets. Pretty neat that my boss suggested staying over night for a baseball game.

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