Thursday, August 11, 2005

"Financial hardship in your life is coming to an end. Enjoy!" - A Fortune Cookie

That was a fortune I got last fall when I ordered some Chinese delivery to Mill Creek E4.

As you may have guessed or probably already know, I have a job offer in Raleigh with Community Affordable Housing Equity Corporation (also known as CAHEC, pronounced kay heck) for a Project Development Officer position. CAHEC is a nonprofit, low income housing tax credit syndicator that also does some work with historic and new market tax credits. Basically, CAHEC is the middle man/manager between developers seeking equity for deals and companies (usually banks) wanting to purchase tax credits to reduce their tax liability.

I didn't think I'd end up back in the Triangle after grad school, but I'm looking forward to the job and I think it will be an excellent opportunity to learn and gain experience that will help me progress toward my goal of becoming a developer.

If you want to know what I'll be doing here's the job description. PDO Description

Tomorrow morning I have a meeting in Raleigh to sign the paperwork to make it official and then I'll officially have my first job. Then I'll be driving around trying to find a place to live.

I'm almost officially grown up; kind of scary but exciting at the same time. On to new friends, a new church, and a new city.

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