Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Stuff, Stuff, and More Stuff

Hi, I'm Brian and I'm a packrat. I said it, I am a packrat, but I'm in recovery. Thanks to watching TLC and their clean out shows and Emily's advice I've realized that if I haven't used it in a long time it's ok to get rid of something. If I want to keep something for sentimental value, then keep part of it or one or two of the items instead of ten. The last two days I've cleaned out drawers and two closets in my bedroom. I've thrown away old magazines, boat brochures from the 1994 ATL Boat Show, and notes, assignments, and tests from high school. It feels good to get that stuff cleaned out because it's needed to be done for a long time. In the process I've gained new storage space and more importantly found some photos and other memorabilia I've been looking for for awhile. I'll have to pack them and then finally get around to putting them in albums after I get settled in Raleigh. While I like taking pictures with real film, storage and viewing is far superior with digital.

Another intersting facet of this move is trying to determine what I want to take to make my apartment my new home. Throughout college I've done a little personalization but have generally kept my dorm or apartment pretty generic to save on moving stuff (which I already have too much of anyway), but now that I may be in the same place for longer than 10 months I'll have to make it mine. If you have any suggestions let me know.

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