Sunday, August 28, 2005

"Go long! Real long!" - Kid in an old Nerf Turbo Football commercial

Well work starts tomorrow and definitely will be interesting. I hope I actually remember what I'm supposed to know from school. I'm most intrigued/nervous about the office personality and culture. That's always the hardest thing to get used to, but from what I've seen it's a collaborative environment and everyone is generally laid back.

Today I'm going to Elon for lunch at the grandparents' with Emily and her roommmate Georgia Leigh.

This weekend I accomplished, well not much, but read Kim King's Tales from the Georgia Tech Sideline by Kim King with Jack Wilkinson. It was a pretty good and quick read about the history of Georgia Tech football from the 'Young Left Handers' perspective as a former quarterback and then color commentator. While it was a good read, I think it would have been better as an audio book narrated by Kim King as it was written in a converstational style. Unfortunately Kim King passed away from cancer last October.

Continuing my football entertainment in preparation for the opening weekend of college football and Tech vs. Auburn game next weekend, I watched Friday Night Lights. Whenever I watch a movie or show about high school football I have a tinge of regret that I didn't play. In junior high the coaches wanted me to start playing as I was a big kid, still am, but I was really into soccer so I told them no. In high school I was in the band and really enjoyed playing drums for four years and I'm glad I did it. I think I just miss the team aspect, maybe I can find some adult leagues like Sarah has in Houston. They sound like a good chance for exercise and having some fun too.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I LOVED that book! My dad bought it for my grandaddy and I read it over christmas. And I've seen Friday Night Lights :-)