Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Where in the world is Brian Diego?

Well I've made it through three days of work so far and it's gone better than I expected. I guess when you have low expectations then there's always room for improvement, but really it hasn't been too bad. Everyone is really nice and helpful. I have an awesome mentor named Yolanda that is guiding me through everything and showing me the ropes. I highly doubt that if I ever have to mentor someone like she's doing that I'll do as good a job. CAHEC has flex time and for this quarter I've chosen to work from 8 to 4:30 which so far has been good so we'll see if I can keep that schedule once I start actually having work to do. Two more days this week and then a three day weekend which should be nice because the weather is supposed to be perfect and it's also opening weekend for football (specifically Tech vs. Auburn).

I'm going to copy Sarah again and make my own Google Map Guest Map. Check it out and scroll and zoom in on where you are and sign my map. I want to see some faces all over the place, well being realistic it'll probably just be people in Atlanta and in NC but that's all good because the people that are there are friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used pgh...cause I won't be in atl much longer. And pgh is home. So yeah you can find me there. on the exact side of Gales that I belong on and everything. It was so perfect. They even showed the dinky train tracks that are down in a valley behind our street that go underground at that point.
Ok my special word reminds me of 3 men in a tub. rubadub xbudab..i'm tired