Thursday, March 02, 2006

Describe me

I saw this posted on Katie's blog and thought I'd join in the fun. Tell me what you think of me by filling out the Johari Window, be honest. Do it, Do it.

In other news, the beads didn't really work. I taped them up too well so they wouldn't fall over night and when he opened the door they hit the top and made noise. It was still funny though when he opened the door all the way and they did fall.

I also went to the driving range this afternoon to enjoy the 77 degree, partly sunny, and LOW HUMIDITY! I was pleased with my performance considering I hadn't hit since probably October. Here's a camera phone shot.

Falls of Neuse Driving Range

Edited to add that one of my uncles was on CourtTV yesterday as an expert witness in a murder trial. He's a principal in a CPA firm in Atlanta. I got an e-mail from my aunt while at work so I checked out the CourtTV website and signed up for the free trial to watch the live broadcast online. Here's a screen cap. (Yes I have Justin Gray on my desktop but what you don't see is Anthony Morrow shooting over him).

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