Thursday, March 16, 2006

Read, Reading, Read

As you may know from previous posts in my desire to become an educated person since graduation last May I have started reading for fun. On Sunday night I finished To Kill a Mockingbird and really enjoyed it. I read it in high school, but like most books back then, I didn't really pay too much attention and get into it. I guess it's just taken me awhile to start to read critically but it does make reading more enjoyable (Thanks to Dr. Frankel's freshman English class at Tech). The social commentary in the book was excellent and it was almost like reading it for the first time since I forgot some big parts of the story. I think I'm going to look up some analysis online and compare it to what I thought as I read. We also watched the movie in high school and I remember enjoying but it's now added to the rewatch list. I give the book two big thumbs up and highly recommend it even if you've read it before.

Oh yeah, I'm now halfway to 26. Man I'm getting up there.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh shush young'un.

To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the books I remember actually liking when I read it in high school. I should read it again. The movie is also fantastic, if you've never seen it (Gregory Peck as Atticus).