Saturday, March 25, 2006

Story time

Mark and I went to Mellow Mushroom in Glenwood South tonight for some pizza and libations. After dinner one of his friends, Emily, from dealer academy who lives in Raleigh and works at Sir Walter Chevy her family's dealership met us and then we went to Hibernian.

Now for the story I teased in the previous post. When I returned home around 6:00 this afternoon I checked my work e-mail and noticed that I had a voicemail (voicemail sends us an e-mail when we receive a voicemail or fax) so I called into my voicemail box and hear a message from the apartment manager for the complex into which I'm moving tomorrow. The first part of her message was that she had some mail for me since I've already had some forwarded there and then came the bad news, my apartment isn't ready. Immediately I thought to myself, I knew it would happen. The current/previous tenants were being evicted and it takes a long time to get somebody legally evicted and then turn the apartment. When I went to see the apartments a couple of weeks ago Jacs and I saw the current residents and needless to say they didn't seem like the model tenants which made me question if the unit would be ready a few weeks later when I was to move in. I signed the lease last week and again the reassured me that it would be ready and I jokingly pointed out the clause in the contract that lets me break the lease and go elsewhere if the unit isn't ready by my move in date. Little did they know it could come into play.

Fortunately the manager left her cell phone number so I could call her when I received the message. She explained that the people just now started leaving today after the sherrif came to the apartment and locked them out. Why in the world did the managers think they'd be out and have the unit turned if they were being evicted? Nobody wants to be homeless so they were going to stay until the last possible minute. Argh. So as I expected and warned the manager when I signed the lease, the unit probably would need work, and it needs new carpet, paint, and a big cleaning which can't be done until Monday since they weren't out on time. Well this puts me in a predicament since Mark came to help and Chalmers Moving Company was enlisted to help as well. The manager offered to give me a discount on the first month's rent and I also asked for help in paying for a moving/temp guys to help move my stuff since my free help won't be able to help. I think we'll have a meeting of the minds when I go to the property this morning. Luckily I don't have to be out of the current apartment until Friday but there goes my planned leisurely move. It'll all work out, it's just frustrating at the moment.

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