Friday, March 17, 2006

Getting out of the office

Yesterday my boss and I went on a site visit in Petersburg, VA. We also took a side trip to the Petersburg National Battlefield to see the infamous crater that resulted from Yankees digging a 511' tunnel under the Confederate fort and exploding 4 tons of gun powder. Sounds smart right? Not so much. After the explosion the northerners stormed the hole but got trapped at the bottom and couldn't get up the other side. Upon getting stuck the southerners rained gun and canon fire down on them and beat them back. Below are some pics including one of the interpretative plaques that has one of my new favorite quotes. Also the confederates had a hinkling that something fishy was going on (yeah how could you not when the tunnel entrance is only 511' away) so they started digging 2 exploratory tunnels but weren't as deep as the notherners so they missed.

This will be apartments in a couple of months

Wetlands boundary (not to be built on)

The crater


Melissa said...

I've been there!

Brian said...

Me too! :)