Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Yesterday on my way home from work I had the radio tuned to NPR as usual to catch up on the day's news. All Things Considered had an interesting piece that I caught about half of on my way home entitled "Does Age Quash Our Spirit of Adventure." The scientist made several very valid points regarding radio station programming choices and how musicians latch on to people of a certain age and those people are fans for life while at the same time they [the fans] tend to disregard new music. This behavior is also exhibited in many other species as it relates to risk taking. My theory, and one that I'm surprised they didn't mention, was that being boring and cautious is an inate self preservation strategy. Why should a monkey try new plants when its standard fare is available? The new food may make it sick.

The main thing that I took away from the story is that it's not bad to be stuck in your ways but trying new things isn't always bad. I think I've become more willing to try new things over the last few years. Why? Maybe because I've been taken out of my comfort zone of 22 years. I guess I should take this story as a motivating factor to try something new on a regular basis.

You can listen to the story here: Click Here

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