Friday, August 18, 2006

We are the Champions

I arrived at work today to find a trophy in my desk chair proclaiming my team as the winner of the best theme for the 2006 CAHEC Bowling Tournament. WEE HAW! One thing I didn't mention about bowling is that generally for any Fun Committee event there is some kind of theme. This time each team had to come up with something and had $25 to spend on props, etc... Generally most people are weary of the themes which makes it easy to win. Our theme was a play on The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. I was the team owner since I had to be dressed for ULI, another guy was a race driver and had a 1980s red nylon jacket covered with logos we found online and the other two members were fans with various fan accourements. The main team sponsor was Bunny Bread which I'd never heard of but apparently is cheap white bread and is a play on the movie's use of Wonder Bread. A few pics are below.

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