Saturday, August 12, 2006

No Recipe, Baby

Today was a no recipe day! It feels good to prepare something without a recipe and have it actually come out tasting pretty good. For lunch I had some chicken nuggets from Wendy's and forgot to get honey mustard and as I drove home I was thinking I bet I can make some honey mustard. So I went at it, I figured honey + mustard = honey mustard. I was correct! I squirted some mustard into a small bowl and then put an equal part of honey in and stirred it up. It was still a little too mustardy so I had some more honey and whamo...honey mustard! I was pretty proud of myself.

Tonight I was contemplating dinner and didn't want the standard George Forman grilled chicken so I decided to attempt some tomato meat sauce for spaghetti. I had a 1/3 of a jar of plain Ragu tomato sauce in the refrigerator, a pound of ground beef in the freezer, and an onion. I browned the meat and then added the chopped onions. I tasted the meat and onions and it was fairly plain so I added some garlic powder, a pinch of kosher salt, and some fresh ground pepper. Adding that made a big difference. A few minutes later I added the tomato sauce and it was not nearly enough. I then immediately rummaged around my cabinet and luckily found a small can of tomato paste. I put two spoonfuls in the pan but it didn't help much so I mixed the remainder with some water and stirred it up and poured it over the meat. I ended up being the perfect consistency and tasted pretty good. Two recipe-less meals in one day, I'm proud of myself. I like cooking.

This morning I went running like last Saturday when I woke too entirely early. It was great morning for running as it was in the low 70s and not too humid (I opened my windows and screen door this afternoon and didn't even need the air conditioning...I'm ready for Fall!). I am actually starting to see a cardiovascular and lung function improvement from riding my bike which is a great feeling. I don't like to blame asthma for things but when your lungs at their best only are 80-85% of capacity it's nice feel some improvement. I think I've figured out that it takes me awhile to get warmed up, the first 10-15 minutes I feel like I'm ready to stop but once I pass that barrier I'm good to go. I just now need to work on my legs to make them want to keep going.

Overall it was a pretty good day and I even cleaned my apartment.

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