Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dream On

The past week or so I've had some strange dreams. Last night continued the trend with two very weird and random dreams. The first was pretty long but basically it involved me winning a contest to go to space on the shuttle but I first had to get from Carrollton to FL. Sounds easy enough but the launch was scheduled to be shown on ABC at 8:30 pm and it was already the afternoon of the day I was supposed to be there. For some reason I wondered around Carrollton and went to Josh's house where his dad made a small pond (like a fish pool) and filled it with clear plastic instead of water and started ice skating around on it. Then I flew to NC and my grandparents' house and then a couple of teeth fell out (my veneers) which freaked me out because I couldn't be on national tv with missing teeth. I think the dream ended with me watching the tv while trying to get packed. I'm sure the teeth falling out has some psychological meaning but I'm not quite sure what.

The second dream involved a church service at some church which I didn't recognize, kind of a modern design and really big, but there were people from all stages of my life involved. Skipping a lot of the back story, essentially I had to play cello during the service and obviously I have no clue how to play cello and there were a couple of other people playing instruments that would start to play then get scared and stop then people would clap and they'd start playing again. Very very strange. I woke up before I had to start playing.

I told you they were strange dreams. I'm pretty sure I know what the second dream was about, but if you have any interpretations for either one let me know.

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