Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tick Tock Tick Tock

The feeling is still growing inside me. The anticipation of annual changes in mid-May but they aren't going to happen. I know I posted on this before but now that it is finals time and friends are selling their books, packing boxes, and moving home it's only made it worse. Last year on May 13 was my department graduation followed by a great dinner at the Angus Barn. That was a capstone. May 15 brought on the university graduation and other significant life experience events. I officially summitted the mountain of education and passed the milestone. Even though I didn't know what I was going to do (other than fish at OBX the next couple of days) it was the periodic end that comes every spring.

How are the years defined as one grows older? Shaun and I once talked about always referencing events by what grade were in when they occurred and pondered how we would talk about things after school. At this point I still don't know. I know it'll get easier after I get through this first year of work but I still think I'd like to have a defining moment or two or three a year. Whenever I have kids I know my life will again revolve around the school calendar and I bet that will again feel normal. This whole period of being a young adult, twenty-something is a very interesting time. I still have friends in college (though that number is quickly dwindling) and I have friends that are members of the working world like myself. As the academic friends move into jobs I think I will have less and less pulling me to the old transitions and more pushing me into the new stage of life.

It's an interesting time.


Melissa said...

I know what you mean. I'm still so consumed by school that I forget that everyone else doesn't revolve around the same schedule. Since my dad is a high school teacher I've always had a distinct summer, when I was little I thought everybody got the summer off! Imagine my disappointment when I realized that most jobs go all year, not even a whole week for Christmas unless you save up vacation days!

ben said...

I guess you could do it based off of promotions, or projects (if you have big projects, but promotions don't come every year.

Maybe that's why some adults party a lot at the new year. They need that "routine" that doesn't occur like it did early in life.

Anonymous said...

I'll probably do it based on "The first year I was here" I haven't felt the ackwardness yet of friends selling books and me not selling them except happiness!

Brian said...

I think part of it is that I started working on Aug. 29 which is pretty much when school started last fall.

Anonymous said...

That's one of the reasons I decided to go into teaching. I missed that interim period in which life settles down for awhile. The thought of going to work every week (save for the occassional one- or two-week vacation) for the rest of my life makes me so depressed. Who would want to live that way? I guess it all depends on whether you like your job, or if you're just doing it to pay the bills.