Saturday, April 29, 2006

Beautiful Day

Today was absolutely beautiful. It was perfectly sunny and in the high 60s. If you ask me, that's perfect weather. This morning I went for a run and to the driving range. Again my elbow started bothering me, but I don't think it affected my swing too much. This afternoon was spent enjoying the weather while reading on the porch and catching up on some much needed cleaning.

In an attempt to eat healthier I attemped to make hummus for the first time. I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out to be pretty good. I made some toasted pita chips to go with it. Here's the recipe I used from Elise's food blog which I found through Google's RSS default choices. Hummus Recipe

Here are the pictures I promised (I know you were waiting anxiously) of my new Ikea cabinets I bought when I was home for Easter. For kitchen cabinets I think they fit in the living room/den very well. Unfortunately there is a gap around one of the doors but it's more noticable in the pictures than when actually looking at it. I may try adjusting it again but I haven't had much luck yet. They definitely provide much needed storage, and I'm considering entering my idea in the N&O "Living in Small Spaces" contest.

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