Saturday, April 15, 2006

"Where Everyday is an Opening Day" (or something like that)

Today dad and I spent most of the beautiful day today in Atlanta. We started off at Bobby Dodd Stadium at Historic Grant Field on the beautiful Georgia Tech campus to catch some of the football team's scrimmage in the stadium. Today was a busy day on the Flats as there was the scrimmage, a beesball game, a tennis tournament, and softball game all ocurring simultaneously and the crowds were great. I'd say there were several hundred people at the scrimmage. I've heard good things about next season and it looks like everyone has been improving so hopefully things will continue to look up.

After the practice we headed to Atlantic Station for lunch at the Fox Sports Grill which was better than I expected. The menu was diverse and the restaurant design was modern, the plethora of plasma TVs broadcasting all kinds of sports didn't hurt either though it definitely doesn't feel like a sports bar. Dad said he saw the seating capacity on the seating chart at the check in and it's 600 people, I can believe it as it's a huge restaurant. I'd recommend it.

After lunch we went to Ikea to fulfill our real mission of going to the city. I really don't know what people in Atlanta did before Ikea if they wanted home furnishings. The crowds never cease to amaze me and I've even been on a week day and it was packed. I ended up buying two base cabinets with double doors and a drawer on top. They're supposed to be for a kitchen but I think they'll look fine for my intended use, plus they'll provide some much needed storage space. While treking to a check out line I ran into Jake who was working so I didn't disturb him too much but it was good to see him. I'll post pics of the cabinets once I get them built if I don't screw up the assembly too much.

After Ikea and the madhouse that was the area of combined furniture pick up and returns/exchanges we went to The Varsity for some good ol' fashioned Atlanta grease. I even tried something new, I got a Varsity Orange not to be confused with a Frosted Orange, which turned out to be like Hi-C. It was good and I'd probably get again if for some reason the Diet Coke is out or I'm in the mood for a change. Of course, the best thing at The Varsity is the ice! It's great!

Being at home is nice, last night I went to eat with Mark and his sister and her husband and we couldn't walk through the restaurant without seeing many different groups of people we all knew. Knowing people and seeing them out and about is something I really miss living in Raleigh. I guess it comes with being in a bigger city and not knowing many people to begin with. I'm working on building a community through church and work but with people so spread out in Raleigh it's hard to have a good central core of people. I don't think I posted about this yet, but last Sunday, Mark's friend Emily and I went to church together and then had lunch. It's always good to make new friends, now the goal is to meet more.

Bad picture of the Wreck

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to get good groups at work. Even though we are spread out in age. One person is 57, another 31(tomorrow), one guy is 47, on guy is 24. We are the lunch bunch group. And we've got the sarcasm and joking around down. Some of them and their wives are who Ben and I went with. And then one girl in my code is 30 and we went to dinner together with two people in their 20's and then they went to a movie I went to church. and there is a "girls" night this Friday for girls of all ages. I think there will be like 10 of us. the months go on the closer I get to people. Pretty nice. Oh and we softball for Portsmouth City. Can't forget that one!

ok done rambling about socializing and starting groups of friends.