Wednesday, April 12, 2006

It's that time of year

It's time for a transition but it's not going to happen. It's time for school to end and for me to move onto an internship. The anticipation has been building but the change will not come. I started my job on August 29, just about the time the fall semester starts but when mid-May rolls around in a month I will just keep working instead of school ending for the summer. I knew this time would come when the periodic flip of the calendar months wouldn't signal annual changes but I didn't know how to prepare. In a month work will continue on unchanged. I will wake up at 6, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, read the paper, watch the news, check blogs, pack my lunch, and head to work just like every other day.

Growing up is confusing but it happens to everyone and everyone learns how to deal with it. I guess I will still experience a change in a month, while I won't be leaving school for the year I will experience a transition. Maybe I'll have a party or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something sort of like that hit me today. I hate goals. I never set them for myself and probably never will. But I've always done what one is "supposed" to do. Go to school, go to a good college and get involved at those places.

But now there isn't really anything that everyone in the US is supposed to do next. It's weird the different mindsets at work too...someone got an award for 35 years. And some people my age said there is no way they could do it. See I'd be fine with this job for the rest of my life. I have fun at work and I have lots of free time to do other stuff that I want on the side. I just don't know if I want to stay in va forever.